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An Act for continuing several impositions and duties, to raise money by way of loan; and for exporting British copper and brass-wire duty-free; and for circulating a further sum in Exchequer bills, in case a new contract be made in that behalf; and concerning the oaths t be administred in relation to Italian thrown silks, and touching oyls and plantation-goods of foreigners, taken or to be taken as prize; and concerning drugs of America to be imported from Her Majesties plantations; and for appropriating the monies given in this session of Parliament; and for making our debentures for two transport ships in this Act names; and to allow a further time for registring debentures, and for relief of persons who have lost such tickets, Exchequer bills, debentures, tallies or orders, as in this Act are mentioned.
printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; printers to the Queens most excellent majesty
[London ]