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A thousand more notable things: or, modern curiosities. Viz. Divers physical receipts. Monthly observations in gardening, Planting and Grafting. To prevent diseases in children. Directions for all midwives, Nurses, and Child-Barring Women. Problems of Aristotle. A Book of Knowledge. The Art of Angling. The Art of Japanning. Rules of Health & Long-Life. Rules for Blood-Letting. To make the Face beautiful. Reasons of Thundering and Lightning. How to destroy Vermin. To order Children rightly, and to prevent Diseases incident to them. The Art of Painting in Oyl. Curious Inventions for the Ingenious to improve on. To cure all Diseases in all sorts of Cattel. With divers other Curiosities. By G. Johnson. Part II.
Johnson, G. (fl. 1706)
Medicine, Science and Technology
Sold [by George Conyers] at the Ring in Little-Britain