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A journal of the last voyage perform'd by Monsr. de la Sale, to the Gulph of Mexico, to find out the mouth of the Missisipi river; containing, An Account of the Settlements he endeavour'd to make on the Coast of the aforesaid Bay, his unfortunate Death, and the Travels of his Companions for the Space of Eight Hundred Leagues across that Inland Country of America. now call'd Louisiana, (and given by the King of France to M. Crozat,) till they came into Canada. Written in French by Monsieur Joutel, A Commander in that Expedition; and translated from the edition just publish'd at Paris. With an exact map of that vast country, and a Copy of the Letters Patents granted by the K. of France to M. Crozat.
Joutel, Henri (1640?-1735)
History and Geography
printed for A. Bell at the Cross-Keys and Bible in Cornhill, B. Lintott at the Cross Keys in Fleet-Street, and J. Baker in Pater-Noster-Row