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Catalogue of books, consisting of near ten thousand volumes, In various Languages, Arts, and Sciences, Including several libraries lately Purchased, with Pamphlets, Prints, Music, &c. Among others equally valuable are the following: Folio. Bibles, by Wright, Rider, Moore, Purver, Cruden, Stackhouse, the Bishops, &c. Hargrave's State Trials, 10 vols. Chambers's Dictionary, 4 vols. Harris's Voyages, 2 vols Horsman's Conveyancing, 2 vols. Large English Atlas Middleton's Geography, 2 vols. Middleton's Dictonary of Arts and Sciences, 2 vols. Moore's Voyages, 2 vols Quarto Grosse's Antiquities, 4 vs. & Sup. Blair's Lectures, 2 vols. Wallis's Northumberland, 2 vs. Baskerville's Classics, 5 vols. Burn's Westmor. and Cumber. 2 vs. Anson's Voyage Hawkesworth's Voyages, 3 vols. Josephus's Works, 2 vols Leland's History of Ireland, 3 vs. Millar's Gardener's Dictionary Mosheim's Ecclesiastical Hist. 2 vs. Priestley's Vision, Light and Colo. Ruff head's Statutes, 9 vols. Octavo, &c. Bell's British Theat. 21 vs. roy. pa. Coke's Reports, 7 vols. Atkins's ditto, 3 vols. Strange's ditto, 2 vols. Blackstone's Comm. 4 vs. by Burn Pennant's Zoology, 4 vols. Bible, 4 vols. large print Antiquites of West. Abbey, 2 vs. Universal Magazines, 63 vs com. London ditto, 50 vs. complete. Martin's ditto, 11 vols Buffon's Natural History, 6 vols. Baskerville's Shakespeare, 9 vols. Baskerville's Classics, 6 vols Clarendon's Hist of Rebel. 6 vs. Dodsley's Poems, 6 vols. Johnson's Shakespeare, 8 vols. Smollett's Hist. of England, 12 vs, Rapin's ditto, 15 vols. Goldsmith's ditto, 4 vols. Robertson's Hist. of America, 2 vs. Bp Beveridge's Sermons, 12 vols. Nature Display'd, 7 vols. Van Swieten's Commentar. 18 vs. Hist. des Indes, par Raynal, 7 tom. Swift's Works, 14 vols. The Books in general are in good Condition, many of them new, and in elegant Bindings. Which will begin to be Sold at the very low Prices printed in the Catologue, on Monday Nov. 17, 1783, By R. Christopher, bookseller and printer, in Stockton. Who gives the full value for any Library or Parcel of Books. Catalogues to be had (gratis) at the Place of Sale, and of Mr Goldsmith, Pater-Noster-Row, London; and may be seen at the Booksellers Shops in Edinburgh, Newcastle, Durham, Sunderland, Kendal, Whitby, Scarbro', Hull, Leeds, York, Doncaster, Whitehaven, &c.
Christopher, Robert (1751-1819)
Literature and Language
printed by Robert Christopher
[Stockton ]