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A pocket companion for Oxford: or, guide through the University. Containing an accurate description of the public edifices, the buildings in each of the colleges; the Gardens, Statues, Busts, Pictures; the Hieroglyphics at Magdalen College, and all other Curiosities in the University. With an Historical Account of the Foundation of the Colleges, their History, and present State. With Lists of the Chancellors, High-Stewards, Vice-Chancellors, Proctors, Heads of Colleges, Professors, Lecturers, &c. Adorned with Five Copper-Plates. To which are added, correct descriptions of the Buildings, the Tapestry, Paintings, Sculptures, Temples, Gardens, and all other Curiosities at Blenheim, Ditchley, and Stow, The Seats of His Grace the Duke of Marlborough, The Right Honourable the Earl of Litchfield, The Right Honourable the Earl Temple, And several other considerable Houses and Gardens in the Neighbourhood.
Social Sciences
printed for Daniel Prince, near the Clarendon Printing-House; John Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and R. Baldwin, in Pater-Noster-Row, London