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A new practical essay on cancers: Containing, I. An Account of their Nature, Causes, and different Species. II. A Detail of the general Method of Practice, commonly called rational or palliative. III. A Description of the Remedies proposed by some as Specifics, but found to be either dangerous or ineffectual; with Remarks on the same. IV. The most safe, efficacious, and only certain Method of Cure, for every Species of Schirusses and Cancers, without Cutting, Caustic, or any painful Operation; as may be seen by the Cases, annexed. To which is added, a dissertation on the disorders occasioned by the milk; With Necessary Cautions and Directions to lying-in Women, Pointing out their dangerous Consequences, And the Means of Prevention and Cure. By J. Burrows, M.D.
Burrows, John, M.D.
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for the author; and sold by S. Hooper , No. 25, on Ludgate-Hill ; R. Davis , in Piccadilly ; H. Parker , in Cornhill ; and G. Woodfall, at Charing-Cross