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The history of the revolution of Persia: taken from the memoirs of Father Krusinski, procurator of the Jesuits at Ispahan; Who lived Twenty Years in that Country, was employ'd by the Bishop of Ispahar, in his Negotiations at the Persian Court, for the Emplror and King of France; and was familiarly conversant with the greatest Men of all Parties. Done into English, from the Original, fast publish'd with the Royal Licence at Paris, by Father du Cerceau, who has prefix'd a map of Persia, and a short history of the Sophies; with curious Remark, on the Accounts given by Tavernier, Sir John Chardin, and other Writers that have treated particularly of that Government and Country, &c. In two volumes.
Krusínski, Judas Thaddaeus
History and Geography
printed [by S. Aris] for J. Pemberton, at the Golden-Buck in Fleet-Street