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A new topographical, historical, and commercial survey of the cities, towns, and villages of the county of Kent. Arranged in alphabetical order. This Work includes a minute and interesting Account of the antient and present State of Kent, Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Military, from the earliest Times to this Century, with all the Improvements of the Arts, of Civilization, and Luxury. It comprehends all the chief Harbours, Bays, Rivers, Docks, Forests, Hills, Valleys, Medicinal Springs, and other Curiosities both of Nature and Art; and not only takes Notice of all the Manors and Seats in the County, but also points out the old Military Ways, Camps, Castles, and other remarkable Ruins of Roman, Saxon, Danish, and Anglo Norman Antiquity. It shews particularly the Estates that were formerly Abbey Lands, and mentions the Manufacture and Trade, the Privileges and Customs, the principal Buildings and Charitable Foundations of the two Cities, Corporations, and the most noted Villages, with their Distances from London, in measured Miles. The ancient and obscure Terms of the Feudal Law, and the obsolete Tenures and Customs relative to it, are also explained. By Charles Seymour, Teacher of the Classics, &c. at Canterbury.
Seymour, Charles
History and Geography
Printed for the author and to be had of Mr. Flacton, Bookseller, at Canterbury; Silver, and Crow, Margate; Smith, Tunbridge-Wells; Stephen Doorne, Feversham; and at the apartments o[f] the author, at Mr. James Abbot's, Baker, Canterbury