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The dealers in stock's assistant: or, a calculation of the value of any parcel of stocks from 10000 l. to 1 l. at the Rate of 1/16 of a Pound per Cent to 200 l: per Cent. For the Ease of the Proprietors for several Transferrable Stocks, as South Sea, both Capital and Annuity, East India, Bank of England, Million Bank, York Buildings, Royal Exchange and London Assurance, &c. by which also may be found Interest at any Rate, Insurance, Commission and Brokerage. By G. Clerk, of the South Sea House. N. B. That the Buyer may find his Account in a Book of this Consequence, the Author has taken special Care to correct all the Errors of the Press; and to prevent Imposition, has affix'd at the Bottom of the Preface his Name, in his own Hand Writing.
Clerke, George
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for Edward Symon, against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill