Ornament Details
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The description and use of both the globes, the armillary sphere, and orrery, exemplified in a large variety of problems in astronomy, geography, dialling, &c. Carefully selected from the late Messrs. Martin, Ferguson, and other Eminent Men, that have wrote on those Subjects. Also, A New Construction of the Hour Circle on the Globes, and Semi-Circle of Illumination or Solar Horizon, and other Improvements on the Globes and Orrery. To which is added, A Short Account of the Solar System, By G. Wright. The whole illustrated by a variety of copper plate figures.
printed for the author, No. 148, Leadenhall-Street; and W. Bardin, globe maker, No. 4, Hind Court, Fleet-Street, and sold by the Booksellers in Town and Country, M,DCC,LXXXIII. (entered at Stationer's Hall.)