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Particulars of and conditions of sale for, a large and valuable estate, called Goldings; situate near Hertford, about 23 Miles distant from London: lately in the occupation of the Right Honourable the Lady Dowager St. John, deceased; Consisting of the Manors of Waterford Hall and Half Hyde, and the Demesne Lands thereunto belonging; together with a large and elegant Mansion House, with all necessary Out-Offices, a Pleasure Garden, and Wood of 10 Acres, a Kitchen Garden of about two Acres, all walled in, and bounded by about 14 Acres of Pasture Land; adjoining to which is a compact Farm, containing in the whole about 210 Acres; and several other Farms, all let to substantial Tenants, at an yearly Rent of about Six Hundred Pounds. Which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Langford and Son, at their house in the Great Piazza, Covent garden, on Tuesday the 20th of March 1770, in seven distinct lots, Beginning punctually at Twelve O'Clock, viz. The said Mansion consists, on the attic story, of 7 convenient Bedchambers for Servants, a large Bedchambers neatly finished with Portland chimney pieces, closets, &c.
Social Sciences
[London ]