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A letter to William Smellie, M.D. containing critical and practical remarks upon his treatise on the Theory and practice of midwifery. By John Burton, M.D. Wherein the various gross mistakes and dangerous methods of practice Mentioned and recommended by that writer, are fully demonstrated and generally corrected. Likewise the several Advantages or Dangers, to both Motner and Child, attending the Turning the last in the Womb to extract by the Feet, or that accrue from the Use of each particular Kind of Instrument, employ'd in delivering Women, are shewn in a more ample Manner than heretofore. Being as an Appendix, to both the above-mentioned Authors Treatises on Midwifery; absolutely necessary to be perused by all who have read the former's Book, or attended his Lectures with a View to Practice. To which is affixed a Copper-Plate, representing several Sorts of Instruments used by the Ancients, with the Fillet as improved by the Author thereof.
Burton, John (1696-1771)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for W. Owen at Homer's Head, Temple-Bar