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The hermit: or, the unparalleled sufferings and surprizing adventures of Philip Quarll, an Englishman: who was discovered by Mr Dorrington, a Bristol merchant, upon an uninhabited island, in the South-Sea; where he lived about fifty years, without any human assistance. Containing I. His Conference with those who found him out; to whom he recites the most material circumstances of his life; as, that he was born in the parish of St Giles, educated by the charitable contribution of a lady, and put 'prentice to a locksmith. II. How he left his master, and took up with a notorious house-breaker, who was hanged; how, after his escape, he went to sea a cabin-boy, married a famous whore, listed himself a common soldier, turned a singing-master, and married three wives, for which he was tried and condemned at the Old Baily. III. How he was pardoned by K. Charles II. turned merchant, and was ship-wrecked on a desolate island on the coast of Mexico. With a curious frontispiece.
Longueville, Peter (fl. 1727)
History and Geography
printed for the booksellers