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The secret history of Betty Ireland. Who was trepanned into marriage at the age of fourteen, and debauched by Beau M-te, at fifteen, by whom she had one son; the vile injury she did to that gentleman, and her turning prostitute; he ramour with Lord M-d, when she came to London; and her ingratitude to that noble gentleman. Her incest with her own son, by whom she conceived and brought forth a daughter, on whom she settled a handsome annuity; her taking a house and selling punch, &c. her being carted for a bawd; her revenge on one of the Justices who was principally concerned in causing her to undergo that shame; her amours with a Jew, whom she caused to be arrested for 300l. and with three merchants, (who were brothers) to each of whom she was married in seven days, without the knowledge of either; and afterwards separated upon articles of agreement. Her behaviour in Yorkshire, particularly in relation to the aforesaid Justice of Peace; her liberality in that county: her being robbed on Epping-Forest, having first shot one of the highwaymen, and being afterwards shot in the shoulder by another; her taking a house and intriguing with Smutty Will, an Irishman, who lived by sharping; his tricks with several tradesmen; his confinement and death in Newgate. Her associating with shop-lifters; her being taken in the fact; and the stratagem she used to escape a prosecution; her inveigling a young man to sell his patrimony before he came of age; her turning a strolling player, with the manner how she made herself mistress of the company; her enticing her daughter to leave her father; their arrival at Cork, in Ireland, after they had escaped a violent storm; their success there for many years; with an account of her sudden death.
Literature and Language
printed and sold by T. Sabine, No. 81, Shoe Lane