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An historical description of St. Paul's Cathedral, Containing, 1. The History of the Old Cathedral from it's Foundation; in which many curious Particulars concerning it's ancient Customs, Privileges, and Solemnities, are recited. 2. An Account of the Manner of proceeding in taking down the vast Ruins of the Old Cathedral, with the Discoveries and Observations made upon the Spot by Sir Christopher Wren. 3. A full Description of the founding, building, ornamenting, and finishing the present Structure, with Observations on it's Beauties and Defects. 4. An Explanation of the Entablature, Sculpture, and all the Decorations and Paintings both within and without the Church. 5. A concise Account of every Thing curious that is shewn in it to Strangers. 6. A Comparison of it's Dimensions with those of the Old Church: And of the Dimensions of both with those of St. Peter's at Rome. To which are Added, a Description of the Monument, with an Explanation of its Sculpture, and a Translation of the Latin Inscriptions round it; Also some Conjectures concerning London-Stone and other Roman Remains; And a Review of the Ancient Walls and Gates about the City.
Henry, David (1710-1792)
History and Geography
printed for T. Carnan, in St. Paul's Church-Yard