Ornament Details
headpiece, angel, cherub, flowers
The book of martyrs: or, the history of the Church, from the beginning of Christianity, to the conclusion of the reign of Q. Mary I. Giving an Account of the Ten general Persecutions of the Christians under the Roman Emperors; And the Sufferings and couragious Deaths of the Protestants under the tyrannical Government of the Popish Prelates, before the Establishment of the Reformation in the happy Reign of Queen Elizabeth of Blessed Memory. Extracted from the three large volumes of the Famous Mr. John Fox, and divers other books; by the Rev. Mr. Thomas Mason, Formerly Minister of Odiham, in Southamptonshire. And now rendered into modern English, with considerable Improvements from late Authors, by the compiler of the Original Institution of the Church of England. Heartily Recommended to the Perusal of all those who have a Zeal for God's Glory, and the Prosperity of the Protestant Religion, under the present Happy Government; By the Rev. Mr. Bateman, Rector of St. Bartholomew the Great in London. ...
printed and sold by John Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield