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A new universal history of the religious rites, ceremonies, and customs of the whole world: or, a complete and impartial view of all the religions in the various nations of the universe Both Ancient and Modern, from the Creation Down to the Present Time. Including the Ancient and Present State of Religion Amongst the Jews, Egyptians, Carthagenians, Druids, Bramins, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes, Persians, Chinese, Japanese, Africans, and all the other Idolatrous & Pagan Nations, Mahometans, Greeks, Christians, Romish Church, with the various Orders of her Communion, &c. &c. Together with The History of the Reformed Churches; Comprehending the Lutherans, Moravians, Dissenters, Presbyterians, Calvinists, Arminians, Methodists, Independents, Baptists, Arians, Socinians, Quakers, Nonjurors, Sandimanians, Antinomians, &c. &c. By William Hurd, D.D. To which is added, a geographical description of the variou parts, the Religious Rites and Ceremonies of whose Inhabitants are Faithfully Described.
Hurd, William
Religion and Philosophy
printed by J. Hemingway