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Six sermons. The first volume. I. Christ's first sermon: or, the Absolute Necessity, and Christian Practice of Repentance, Open'd and Apply'd. II. Christ's last sermon: or, The Everlasting Estate and Condition of all Men in the World to come. III. Peter's Repentance, after he had denied his Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Open'd and Explain'd. IV. The Christian's Blessed Choice: or, The Godly Man's Resolution to Cleave unto God, &c. V. The Parable of Dives and Lazarus, Open'd and Apply'd, &c. VI. The father's last blessing: Being Comfortable Meditations against the feats of Death. Together with an earnest perswasive to a serious observation of the Lord's day. By John Hart, D.D. To which are added, The housholder's manual, &c.
Hart, John, D.D.
Religion and Philosophy
printed by W. O. [William Onley] and sold by A. Bettesworth, at the Red Lion on London-Bridge