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The key. As there are ten cards, and ten lines on every card, the following ten are the first lines on the black side of each of them, viz. Want prompts the wit, and first gave birth to - - - - A rts. Riches are a crime oftener than a - - - - D efence. Poverty is the fruit of - - - - - I dleness Wedding a woman for her beauty, is like eating a bird for its - - S inging The man who asks you many questions is a spy or a - - - C oxcomb. Good-will like a good name, is gained by many actions and lost by O ne. Good men hate to commit a fault out of the love they have to - V irtue. Ill-judg'd charity is the parent of idleness and - - - - E xcess. Lust is the unbridled horse of the soul, that has thrown its - - - R ider. The vices of age are as bad, or worse than those of - - - - Y outh.
Walpole, Horace (1717-1797)
History and Geography
Printed for L. Donnelly Stationer, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand; and A. McCulloh, printer, at the Bible and Lamb without Temple-Bar