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The new Bath guide; or, useful pocket companion; necessary for all persons residing at, or resorting to, this ancient and opulent city. Giving an account of the first discovery of its medicinal waters, by King Bladud; The Nature and Efficacy of the Warm Baths and Sudatories, And the Rules, with the Prices of Bathing and Pumping. The Virtues of the Bath Waters used inwardly and externally. Lists of the Medical Faculty, Artists, and Attornies. A Description of the Assembly-Rooms, Public Charities, Churches, Chapels, and other Edifices; A List of the Lodging and Bourding-Houses, and Price of Lodgings. Also, an Account of The Regulations the Chairmen are subject to, and their Fares to different Parts of the City. A List of all the Inns and Taverns, the Names of the People they are kept by, and their Situations; with An Account of the Machines, Post-Coaches, Diligences, &c. A Table of the going out and coming in of the Post, Waggons, Carriers, &c. The Principal Roads to different Parts of the Kingdom: With a Description of the Monuments of Antiquity and Gentlemen's Seats in the Environs of Bath. Directions for Passing the Severn into Wales; And many other Particulars worthy Observation. (the Whole embellished with six Copper-Plate Engravings. viz. Portraits of both Masters of the Ceremonials. Plan of the City, Elevation of the Town-Hall, View of the Crescent, and Portrait of Richard Nash, Esq; To which is added, the life, character, &c. of Richard Nash, Esq; who presided over the Amusements of this City upwards of Fifty Years.
History and Geography
printed by R. Cruttwell, 1782, for W. Taylor, Bookseller, in Church-Street, Kingston-Buildings. Sold also by all the other booksellers in Bath; and R. Baldwin, Bookseller in Pater noster Row, London