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Valuable secrets concerning arts and trades: or, Approved directions, from the best artists, for the various methods of engraving on brass, copper, or steel. Of the composition of metals, and varnishes. Of mastichs and cements, sealing-wax, &c. Of colours and painting, for carriage painters. Of painting on paper. Of compositions from limners. Of transparent colours. How to dye skins or gloves. To colour or varnish copper-plate prints. Of painting on glass. Of colours of all sorts, for oil, water, and crayons. Of the art of gilding. The art of dying woods, bones, &c. The art of moulding. The art of making wines. Of the various compostions of vinegars. Of liquors and essential oils. Of the confectionary art. Of taking out all sorts of spots and stains. [One line in Latin from Virgil].
Hubbard, Thomas (1758-1808)
Social Sciences
Printed by Thomas Hubbard
Norwich [Conn.]