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tailpiece, squirrel, flowers, altar

The young mathematician's companion, being a compleat tutor to the mathematicks; Whereby the Young Beginner may be early Instructed; those who have lost the Opportunity of learning in their Youth may with very little Pains, and in a short Time become Proficients in this delightful and instructive Science, and such whose Business it is to teach, may receive much Useful Assistance. Containing, I. Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic, Extraction of Roots by Natural Numbers, and by Logarithms. II. Description and Use of the Sector, with the most useful Definitions, Theorems, and Problems in Geometry. III. Plain and Spherical Trigonometry, Astronomy, Dyalling, and Surveying of Land. IV. Curious Discourses, calculated to render a Practical Knowledge of the Mathematicks more easy and familiar. The Whole Interspersed with delightful and useful Questions, and adorned with proper Schemes in order to excite the Curiosity, and form the Minds of Youth. By Charles Leadbetter, Teacher of the Mathematicks.
Leadbetter, Charles (fl. 1728)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for J. Hodges [by Charles Jephson], at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge