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The excellent use of psalmody. With a course of singing psalms for half a year. Beginning on the first Sunday in January, and again on the First Sunday in July: And also Proper Psalms for particular Days and Occasions. Both taken out of the directions given by Edmund Lord Bishop of London to the clergy of his diocese, in the year 1724. With an addition since mad by his Lordship, of psalms proper to be sung by charity-children in the Church, on the Days collection Publish'd at length by the Approbation of the Clergy. To which is added, a collection of choice hymns, with a short introduction, by way of dialogue, for the Use and Benefit of all true Lovers of Psalmody. By R. W. a lover of divine musick.
Gibson, Edmund (1669-1748)
Fine Arts
printed and sold by George Ayscough, and Richard Willis in Bearwood-Lane