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snails, foliage, tailpiece, flowers, face, ribbon

A compleat history of the famous city of Norwich. From the earliest account, to this present year 1728. Shewing, The Situation, Manufactures, Churches, and other Publick Buildings; Markets, Fairs, Courts of Judicature, Parishes, Divisions into Wards, &c. with the Manner and Times of chusing the Magistrates; and a large Chronology of the most remarkable Occurrences which have happened in or near the City. Also, An Exact List of all the Bishops, Mayors, and Sheriffs, that have served in and for the said City; and a particular Account of the present Court of Aldermen and Common Council-Men last chosen, with the respective Wards for which they serve. Likewise, A List of the Posts and Carriers going from this City; shewing the Places where and when they go out, and the Towns they go to Also a List of the present Bishops and Deans in England; and of all the Judges in the Courts of Chancery, King's-Bench, Common-Pleas, and Exchequer. To which is annex'd, An Exact Map of the City; wherein the several Streets, Lanes, River, Churches, and other Places of Note, are perfectly Described, in their proper Situation. The Whole being the most Useful and Authentick Collection of any Extant: Published at the request of several ingenious gentlemen, citizens, and other Curious Penny.
History and Geography
printed and sold by William Chase in the Cockey Lane