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A compleat history of Somersetshire. Containing I. A Geographical Description of the County, in Alphabetical Order. II. The Natural History, viz. its Produce, Air, Soil, rare Plants, &c. III. The Ecclesiastical History, containing at Account of the Bishops of the two Sees, Bath and Wells and Bristol; together with a brief Description of the Monasteries, Martyrs, &c. IV. The Antiquities. V. An Account of the Gentlemens Seats. VI. The Lives of Famous Men of this County. VII. The Sufferings of the Clergy in the Rebellious Times, which began in 1642. VIII. A Table of the Names of all the Towns, Villages, &c. with the Value of the Livings. IX. The Charity Schools in the country. To which is added, a scheme of all the market-towns &c. with their distance from London, and from each other, &c.
Stuckey, John (fl. 1742)
History and Geography