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A new system of husbandry. From experiments never before made public. With tables shewing the expence and profit of each crop. How to stock Farms to the best Advantage. How the Crops are to follow each other by the Way of Rotation. On Trench - Plowing, shewing how to raise good Crops without Manure. On Rearing, Breeding, and Feeding Cattle. On a new discovered cheap Food for Cattle. A Description of a most valuable moving Sheep-House for eating Turnips on the Ground. On Cabbage Husbandry. On the Naked Wheat, &c. On all Sorts of Manures, Marls, Clays, Sands, &c. With many chosen Receipts for the Cure of all Sorts of Cattle. All which are calculated both for the Profit and Amusement of the Country Gentleman and Farmer. To which is Annexed, A few Hints particularly and humbly offered for the Perusal of the Legislature. By C. Varley, Esq; The third edition. In three volumes. ...
Varlo, Charles (ca. 1725-ca. 1795)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for the author, by John Wilkes