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Chirurgia curiosa: or, the newest and most curious observations and operations in the whole art of chirurgery Regularly Methodized, Explained and Rendred Intelligible and Easie to every Practitioner: whether relating to Manual Operations, or the Choice and Application of Proper Remedies. Not to be found in others Authors. Written originally in High-Dutch, by the Learned Matthæus Gothofredus Purmannus, Chief Chirurgeon of the City of Brestaw in Germany, and of the Hospitals of St. Job and All-Saints. Illustrated With Large Chirurgical Figures, Of Patients as well as Instruments, Invented by Dr. Solingen. Curiously Engraven on Copper Plates. To which is added Natura morborum medicatrix: Nature Cures Diseases. Wherein The Energy of Nature is demonstrated, her Operations explained, and her various Steps rendred Intelligible. by Conrade Joachim Sprengell, M. Physiodidactus.
Purmann, Matthias Gottfried (1649-1711)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for D. Browne at the Black Swan, R. Smith at the Angel and Bible, and T. Browne at the Green Dragon, without Temple-Bar