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The second book of The compleat country dancing-master: containing great variety of dances, both old and new; particularly those perform'd at the several masquerades: together with all the choicest and most noted country-dances, Perform'd at Court, the Theatres, and publick Balls; with their proper tunes, and figures (or Directions) to each Dance: the tunes fitted to the violin, or hautboy, and most of 'em within the Compass of the Flute. Note, In this, and the first Book, are contain'd all the Dances generally used, and most correct than the former Editions; printed in the London Capital Character, far exceeding any other of the Common Press.
Fine Arts
printed by H. Meere, for J. Walsh, Servant in Ordinary to his Majesty, at the Harp and Hautboy in Katherine-Street in the Strand, and J. Hare, at the Vio[...] and Flute in Cornhill