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The banker's sure guide: or, monied man's assistant. In three parts, viz. I. Tables of Interest for any Sum, at the current Prices of 2, 2?, 3, 3?, 4, 4?, and 5 p. Cent. from 1 to 90 and 300 Days; and from 1 Month to a Year, at 2, 2?, 3, 3?, 4, 4 and 1-6th (or 10d. in the Pound) 4?, 4?, 4?, and 5 per Cent. II. Sundry Tables shewing the Value of Annuities certain, and Annuities on Lives, founded on the most rational Probabilities; how to find the Value of two or more Lives, joint Lives, Reversions, Presentations, &c. Also Tables for joint Lives, and the longer of two or three Lives. III. A large and accurate Table of Commission or Brokerage, from ? to 3 per Cent rising progressively only ? per Cent. at a Time. - Also of 4, 5, 6, and of 9 to 20 per Cent. which together may be readily applied to Exchanges to Ireland. To which is prefixed, by way of introduction, a new and comprehensive treatise on decimals: A concise, new Method of equating the Stocks to one another, and how to calculate what Interest is made of the Money laid out in any of them; how to find the Value of Stock, &c. The fifth edition, enlarged and corrected. By S. Thomas, Author of the British Negociator, or Foreign Exchanges made easy.
Thomas, S. (1723-1784)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for G. Robinson, in Pater-Noster-Row; and T. Slack, in Newcastle