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A new discourse of trade: wherein are recommended several weighty points, relating to Companies of Merchants; The Act of Navigation, Naturalization of Strangers, and our Woollen Manufactures. The Balance of Trade, And Nature of Plantations; with their Consequences, in relation to the Kingdom, are seriously discussed. Methods for the Employment and Maintenance of the Poor are proposed. The Reduction of Interest of Money to 4 l. per cent. is recommended. And some Proposals for erecting a Court of Merchants, for determining Controversies relating to Maritime Affairs, and for a Law for Transferring of Bills of Debts, are humbly offer'd. To which is added, A short, but most excellent Treatise of Interest. By Sir Josiah Child, Baronet.
Child, Josiah, Sir (1630-1699)
Social Sciences
printed for J. Hodges , on London-Bridge ; W. Meadows at the Angel in Cornhill ; C. Corbet , against St Dunstan's Church, Fleet street ; J. Jackson , at St. James's Gate ; J Stagg , in Westminster-Hall ; and J. Bevill, near St. Saviours Church, Southwark