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Geography epitomiz'd: or, the London gazetteer. Being a geographical and historical treatise of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Wherein the several Empires, Kingdoms, Principalities, States, Provinces, Islands, Counties, Bishopricks, and chief Cities of the whole World are particularly Describ'd; Their Extents, Situations, &c. Together with a concise Account of the Inhabitants, their Behaviour, Manners, Politicks, Religion, &c. The Rivers of Note, Productions of Soil, Rarities of Nature, and Riches of the respective Countries: Likewise the Crown-Revenues, Ways of Government, Forces, Antiquity, &c. of every State: With a particular Description of King George's Dominions in Germany. To which are added, an introduction to geography, and Knowledge of the Globe, and Three Tables. The First of Distances from London, to the most considerable Cities and Market-Towns in England and Wales, Answering to a Map of Roads; The Second of all the Cities and Towns in Great-Britain; and the Third of Foreign Towns.
G. J.
History and Geography
printed for Charles Rivington, at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard; Jer. Batley and Tho. Warner in Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Sackfield in Lincolns Inn Square