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An enquiry whence cometh wisdom and understanding to man? In which it is attempted to shew, among various other Points, I. That Religion entered the World by Revelation. II. That without the Aid of Revelation, Man had not been a rational, or a religious Creature. III. That nothing can oblige the Conscience, but the revealed Word of God. IV. That a State, Religion or Law of Nature, never existed but in the human Imagination. Being the Substance of two Sermons, preached some years ago before a learned Audience. By John Ellis, D. D. Vicar of St. Catherine's, Dublin: and Author of a Book, entitled, The Knowledge of divine Things from Revelation, not from Reason, or Nature.
Ellis, John (d. 1728)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for Benjamin Dod, at the Bible and Key, in Ave-Mary Lane, near Stationer's-Hall