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Justice and policy. An essay on the increasing growth and enormities of our great cities. Shewing The Breaches thereby occasioned in the Constitution, with a Method to repair them, and, through the Means of Morality and Industry, to place it upon a more firm Basis, by the Bands of Union, that Britain may become the Asylum of Worth, and the Empire, with the Commerce of it, justly established, instead of exchanging Religion for Trade. Also, considerations upon the state of Ireland, with a Proposal for the Relief of it, and a Scheme for its Benefit, by employing the Poor universally; together with Reflections on Police in general, and on the Exportation of Provisions from Ireland in particular. To which is added, thoughts on conquests, trade, and military colonies, &c. &c. Divided into Seven Chapters. Addressed to a noble peer, by a freeholder in Ireland, and a stockholder in England.
J. P.
Social Sciences
printed for the author, and sold by the booksellers