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The memoirs of the Marq. de Langallerie: containing an account of the most secret intrigues of the French, Spanish, and Bavarian courts: and the most remarkable battles, sieges, and encampments in Germany, Spain, and Flanders. Together with the most considerable treaties and alliances made with France, from the year 1687, to the year 1710. Intermixt with several original private letters (never before made publick) written by The French King, Card. Portocarrero, Duke of Anjou, Elector of Bavaria, Marquess de Torcy, Charles IIId. of Spain, Prince Eugene, D. of Marlborough, D. of Ormond, M. Anverquerque, &c. The second edition. Translated from the French, and continued to this present time.
Courtilz de Sandras, Gatien (1644-1712)
Sassenage, Gabriel Alphonse, marquis de (d. 1706)
Langallerie, Philippe de Gentils, marquis de (1656?-1717)
History and Geography
printed for J. Round at Seneca's-Head in Exchange-Alley in Cornhill; N. Cliff at the Golden-Candlestick in Cheapside