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A voyage to St. Kilda, the remotest of all the Hebrides; or, Western Isles of Scotland. Giving an account of the very remarkable inhabitants of that place; their Beauty and singular Chastity; (fornication and Adultery being unknown among them) their Genius for Poetry, Musick, Dancing; their surprising Dexterity in climbing the Rocks and Walls of Houses; Diversions, Habit, Food, Language, Diseases and Methods of Cure; their extensive Charity; their Contempt of Gold and Silver as below the Dignity of human Nature; their religious Ceremonies, Notion of Spirits and Visions, &c, &c. To which is added, An Account of Roderick, the late Imposter there, pretending to be sent by St. John Baptist, with new Revelations and Discoveries; his Diabolical Inventions, Attempts upon the Women, &c. By M. Martin, gent.
Martin, Martin (d. 1719)
History and Geography
printed for R. Griffith, at the Dunciad, in Ludgate-Street