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The gazetteer's select history of Europe: or, a description of all the seats of the present wars in the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Spain, and Poland. Being a full Survey of all those Countries; setting forth the Situation and Distances of their Provinces, Cities, Towns, and Villages; with curious Remarks upon all the Places of Note. Likewise an exact Delineation of the March of the Germans from Lower Lombardy to Piedmont; or the several Marches of the French to joyn the Duke of Bavaria; and late March of the Confederate Forces under the Command of the Duke of Marlborough from the Low-Countries to the Danube; with an Account of all the other heroick Actions of his Grace beyond Sea, from the Time of His being made general of Her Majesty's Army till now: together with a large Plan of the several Camps and Marches of the English and Gallick Armies towards Hochstet, exactly drawn by Colonel Ivot, Quarter-Master-General to His grace: As also another Plan of that important Place of Gibraltar, lately took by Admiral rook. To which is likewise inserted a New Geographical table, alphabetically compil'd, shewing all the considerable Cities, Towns and Villages in Christendom by which you may know in what Country they are situated; to whom subject; and in what Degree of Longitude and Latitude they lie. And also a Postscript of the late Sea-Fight betwixt the Confiderate and French Fleets near Malaga. The whole illustrated with Maps to each Country, curiously engrav'd on Copper-Plates. By Richard Burridge, gent.
Burridge, Richard (b. 1670)
History and Geography
printed and sold by J. Bradford, in Westmoreland-Court, in Bartholomew-Close