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Bradshaw's valuable family jewel: or, the complete house-wife. Being a store-house of such Curious Matters, as all ought to be acquainted with, who intend to spend their Lives either Pleasant or Profitable. containing all that relates to cookery, pastry, pickling, preserving, wine making, brewing, bread making, marketing, &c. With a great Number of other Necessary Articles, not to be met with in any other Book: Particularly, an Excellent Method for the Management of a Beer-Celler: How to keep Ale, or Beer, always exceeding Fine; and how to restore sour Beer to its first Perfection; which Article has been of the utmost Service to the Purchasers of this book. Likewise, an Excellent Method to preserve a constant Stock of yeast, even in the most scarce Seasons. - In this book is likewise inserted, Mons. Millien's Method of preserving Metels from Rust, such as Guns, Grates, Candle-Sticks, &c. for the Discovery of which, the Parliament of Paris gave Him Ten Thousand Pounds. By Mrs. Penelope Bradshaw, and the late ingenious Mr. Lambart confectioner. To which is added, an appendix. Containing, a very Choice and valuable Collection of well-experienced Practical Family-Receipts in Physick and Surgery. Particularly, Dr. Mead's for the Cure of the Bite of a Mad Dog. Also, Cautions, Rules, and Directions, to be taken and observed in fishing. Likewise, Directions for painting, &c.
Bradshaw, Penelope
Lambart, Confectioner
Medicine, Science and Technology
Printed for P. Bradshaw