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A compleat and impartial history of the impeachments of the last ministry. Containing all the articles of impeachment, and the answers to the same at length; with the whole Proceedings, Debates, and Speeches, in Both Houses of Parliament, relating thereto, with a large introduction. Shewing the Reasons and Necessity or the said impeachments, from the Behaviour of the High Church and Jacobite Party, since his Majesty's happy Accession to the Throne, to the Breaking out of the Rebellion, both in Scotland and England. By the author of the Annals of Queen Anne. The second edition. To which is added, the Ear of Strafford's Answer to the articles exhibited against him, never before publish'd.
Boyer, Abel (1667-1729)
History and Geography
printed for John Baker at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, and T. Varnam and J. Osborne at the Oxford-Arms in Lombard-Street