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Le destin de L'Amerique ou dialogues pittoresques dans lesquels On developpe la cause des evenemens actuels, la politique et les interets des puissances de L'Europe relativement a cette guerre, et les suites quelle devroit avoir pour le bonheur de L'Humanite. Traduit fidelement de L'Anglois. To maintain by fire and sword, dominion over the persons and the property of a people out of the realm, who have no share in its legislature, contradicts every principle of liberty and humanity. If we neither can govern the Americans nor be governed by them; if we can neither unite with them, nor ought tot subdue them what remains, but to part with them on as friendly terms as we can.
printed for J. Bew, No. 28. Pater-Noster Row: and may be had of all Booksellers and News-Carriers in Town and Country