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The history of Greece. By way of question and answer. In three parts. I. A Geographical Description of all those Countries which were anciently called Greece; viz. Epirus, Peloponnesus, Greece properly so call'd, Thessaly, Macedon, and the Grecian Isles. II. A short historical Account of the Kingdoms of Sicyonia, Argos, Thebes or Boeotia, Corinth, Sparta or Lacedaemon, and Athens. III. Of the Religion, Laws, Customs and Manners of the Grecians; viz. Of their Priests, Temples, Altars, Oracles, Sacrifices, Oaths, Prayers, and Divination. Of the Laws of Lycurgus, Draco, Solon, and the Areopagns. Of Military Customs; of the Olympian, Pythian, Nemean, and Isthmian Games; of the Ostracism, of Education, Women, Marriage, Funeral Ceremonies, and Arts and Sciences. For the use of schools.
Lockman, John (1698-1771)
History and Geography
printed for R. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, and sold by M. Cooper in Pater-Noster Row