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Adultery. The very interesting and remarkable trial of Mrs. Elizabeth Hankey, (formerly Elizabeth Thomson, daughter of Andrew Thomson, of the City of London, Esq.) Wife of John Hankey, Esq. (son of Sir Thomas Hankey, Knt.) for adultery, At Brighthelmstone, Worthing, and Horsham, in Sussex; at Dorking, in Surrey; and at Osburn's Hotel, in the Adelphi; with Turner Straubenzee, Esq. Lieutenant-Colonel of his Majesty's Fifty-Second Regiment of Foot. In this Trial is given verbatim, the Articles exhibited by the injured Husband against his adulterous Wife, (which renders it both perfect and complete) with the Depositions entire, of George Clewlow, Esq. Captain of the Fifty-Second Regiment of Foot, Mr. Morloy, Master of the King's-Head Inn, at Dorking, Mr. Hills, Tanner, Mr. John, Cook to the Regiment, Mr. Dean, Elizabeth Brett, Chamber-Maid, and Mary Winton, Lady's Maid to Mrs. Hankey, &c. &c.
Hankey, Elizabeth
printed for the proprietor, and sold at no.198, Fleet-Street, near Temple-Bar; Axtell, Royal Exchange, and J. Cattermoul, No. 136, Oxford-Street; and may be had of all the Booksellers in Town and Country