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The complete annuitant: consisting of tables of interest, simple and compound. Being the most complete, extensive, and useful Set hitherto published; constructed on a new and familiar Plan, viz. I. An Universal Table of Simple Interest, shewing the Interest of any Sum of Money from £90.000.000 to 1 Penny, and from 1 to 365 Days absolute, &c. II. Tables of Compound Interest, at £3, 4 and 5 per Cent. per Ann. shewing the Amount and present worth of any Sum, likewise the Amount and present worth of any Yearly Sum, Rent, Annuity or Pension, at the same Rates of Interest, from 1 Year to 100 Years; with their Application in Reversions, and renewing and purchasing of Leases. III. A Table of Reversions. IV. A Table of Annuities, shewing how many Years purchase any Annuity or Lease of any Land or House is worth, and likewise for the Renewing of any Number of Years lapsed in any Lease for any Term of Years. V. A Table shewing the Value of any Estate in Fee Simple, with Tables of Fines for renewing College Leases, &c. VI. Tables for the Valuation of Life Annuities, at £ 3, 3 1/2, 4, 5 and 6 per Cent. with their Logarithmical and Arithmetical Application in solving several curious Problems. Vii. A new Set of Tables contrived for Quarterly and Half Yearly Payments, adapted to the above Tables, &c. By Benjamin Webb, Writing Master and Accountant, and Master of the Free Grammar School belonging to the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers in Bunhill-Row; and Author of the Tables for Buying and Selling Stocks.
Webb, Benjamin
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for the author, by J. and W. Oliver, in Bartholomew-Close: and sold by C. Henderson, under the Royal-Exchange ; and G. Keith, at the Bible and Crown in Gracechurch-Street