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Monmouthshire. Descriptive account of Regland Castle: containing, the names, size, and uses, of the different parts, when in their splendor: also, A List of the Household, and Method of Living, when inhabited by the Earl of Worcester: To which is added, the whole of the interesting correspondence which passed between the Earl of Worcester and General Sir Thomas Fairfax, during the time the castle was beseiged: the whole now first collected, from original papers and Unquestionable Authority, by Charles Heath, Printer, Monmouth. Who is preparing for Press an elegant and enlarged Account, to be beautified with Plates from original Drawings, of this much admired Ruin.
Heath, Charles (1761-1831)
History and Geography
Sold by him [i.e. Charles Heath] in the Market Place, and Mr. Chambers, at the Beaufort Arms Inn, Ragland. July 6