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A catalogue of all the genuine stock of excellent wines, consisting of About 400 Dozen of Oriental Madeira, near 200 Dozen of fine Old Red Port, Red and White Constantia, Old Arrack, &c. Also, Some Valuable Jewels, Two Gold Repeating Watches, Rich Snuff Boxes, a very Capital Single-Stone Brilliant Ring; A large Quantity of Table and Bed Linen, And other Effects, of Alexander Wynch, Esq; deceased, Which will be sold by auction, By Mess. Christie and Ansell, (by Order of the Executors) At their Great Room, next Cumberland-House, Pall-Mall, On Monday, November 5, 1781, and two following days. To be Viewed on Friday and Saturday preceding the Sale, which will begin each Day at Twelve O'Clock. Catalogues may be had as above, and at Garraway's Coffee House. N. B. The Wines to be tasted only on the Mornings (and at the Time) of Sale.
Social Sciences
[London ]