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The seaman's guide, chiefly the experience of the author: The other Parts taken from the latest and best Surveys of the English, French, Dutch, and Danes. The courses by the compass, and distances from place to place round England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Islands adjacent; along the Coast of France, Flanders, Holland, Jutland, and Norway; from the Island of Ushant in France, to North Bergen in Norway; through the Cadigat, Sound, and up the Baltic, to Cronstadt: Across the seas from Great Britain to the Ports and Places in Ireland, France, Flanders, Holland, Jutland, and Norway; with the Variation laid down as observed at this Time. Also the Distances in Miles from London to the principal Ports in Great Britain, Ireland, the East Part of France, Flanders, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and throughout the Baltic. By John Diston, Pilot from the Trinity-House. Some very useful additions will be found in this book, besides many unaccountable errors corrected from the former editions, which the Publisher flatters himself will meet with the hearty Approbation of every Seafaring Man.
Diston, John
Medicine, Science and Technology
Printed for the author John Diston; and sold by him in Liverpool: and at Mr Norton's Watch-Maker No 36 in Crooked-Lane, opposite the Monument, London