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The antient constitutions of the free and accepted masons, neatly engrav'd on copper plates. With a speech deliver'd at the Grand Lodge at York. Also a Speech of Edward Oakley, Architect, M. M. late Senior Grand Warden in Carmarthen, South Wales. Likewise A Prologue spoken by Mr. Mills, and an Epilogue spoken by a Mason's Wife, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, on Friday the 27th Day of December, 1728. when was acted the Second Part of King Henry IV. To which is added, a curious collection of the most celebrated songs Celebrated Songs in Honour of Masonry, as they are Sung at all the Regular Lodges of the Antient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons in Great Britain and Principality of Wales, &c.
Drake, Francis (1696-1771)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for B. Creake, at the Red Bible in Ave-Mary-Lane, Ludgate-Street, near St. Paul's; and B. Cole Engraver, the Corner of King's Head-Court, near Fetter-Lane, Holbourn