Ornament Details
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The history and remarkable life of the truly honourable Col. Jacque, commonly call'd Col. Jack, who was born a gentleman, put 'prentice to a pick-pocket, was six and twenty years a thief, and then kidnapp'd to Virginia. Came back a Merchant; was Five times married to Four Whores; went into the Wars, behav'd bravely, got Preferment, was made Colonel of a Regiment, came over, and fled with the Chevalier, is still abroad compleating a Life of Wonders, and resolves to dye a General.
printed and sold by J. Brotherton, at the Royal-Exchange ; T. Payne, near Stationers-Hall ; W. Mears, at the Lamb, and A. Dodd, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar ; W. Chetwood, in Covent Garden ; J. Graves, in St. James's-Street ; S. Chapman, in Pall Mall, and J. Stagg, at Westminster-Hall