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The complete observator. Containing the various methods of finding the latitude when the sun is in the meridian, and also By Two Altitudes, Either Equal or Unequal, when out of the Meridian; Together with A New Method of finding the Latitude By One Altitude Only, At Any Hour when the Sun can be seen, and of Correcting the Watch, Never Before Published. And also a new method of finding the latitude, without knowing the sun's declination, In any High Latitude either North or South, And if the Day of the Month be Lost, how to Find it. With a Complete Set of Tables. To the whole is added The Method of Determining the Longitude By Lunar Observations. Together with A New, Concise, Easy, and Infallible Method of Determining the Longitude By an Observation either of the Moon or Fixt Star, by One Person Only, And an Hadley's Quadrant well adjusted. By Thomas Harrison and Son.
Medicine, Science and Technology