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The salisbury guide; giving an account of the antiquities of Old Sarum; and of the ancient and present state of the city of New Sarum, Its Fairs, Markets, religious and charitable Foundations; the Cathedral, and the most remarkable Monuments therein. With a list of the Bishops Who have filled the See of Salisbury from the earliest Period to the present Time; Together with the present Chapter, &c. And a list of the corporation. To which is added, An Accurate Description of Stonehenge; Also an Account of Wilton, Amesbury, Longford, Wardour, and Fonthill Houses; Pointing out whatever is most valuable and worthy Attention in each. With the Times of the coming in and going out of the posts, coaches, carriers, &c. Interspersed with many curious and useful Particulars, very necessary to be known by every one frequenting the City, whether on Business or Pleasure.
Easton, James
Fine Arts
Printed and sold by E. Easton, High-Street, Salisbury