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Louisa Wharton. A story founded on facts: written by herself, in a series of letters to a friend. Wherein is Displayed Some particular Circumstances which happened during the bloody Contest in America. I. Louisa's Father and Mother go to Bath; the Amusements of that Place described, &c. II. Some Account of Captain Truman and his Family; he falls in Love with Louisa; her Brother arrives from Philadelphia, and confirms the War having broke out. III. Captain Truman is ordered with his Regiment to America; Louisa is greatly alarmed, &c. IV. Truman takes Leave of Louisa with the greatest Tenderness; she gives him her Picture in Miniature; he gives her a Ring, and they vow mutual Constancy. V. Louisa's Father goes to London, from thence, with George his Son, sets out for Philadelphia. VI. A Letter from young Truman, full of tender expressions, &c. Vii. A Letter from her Brother, relates the Death of her Father, and the Confiscation of all their Property; they are greatly distressed; and Louisa is slighted by Sir James, &c. Viii. The History of Charlotte Modish, and Lord Squander. IX. Louisa and her Mother in a deplorable situation; she gets some Needle work to do, and is admired for her singing: Lord Squander tries to seduce her, &c. X. Fanny is very kind, but goes into the Country; Louisa hears the dismal News that Truman is taken by the Enemy, and condemned by way of Retaliation, &c. XI. A Letter from Fanny, gives an Account of an Uncle, who is very rich by Accident: he gives them Money, comes to Town, &c. XII. She hears that young Truman is released; he comes to England with her Brother; they all meet at the House of Louisa, and all Parties are made happy by Marriage.
Wharton, Louisa
Literature and Language
printed and sold by T. Sabine, No. 81, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street